Dougie, bee a lttle bit more forthcoming....

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Posted by MQracing [ ] on January 01, 2006 at 11:58:31:

In Reply to: Re: Nice... posted by PakProtector on January 01, 2006 at 11:29:55:

First off you do claim to be the designer of the HTS-7457 CT grid choke and to have entered into a business relationship with a particular manufacturer to produce that item for you. This puts you in the professional category. In a recent post you also claimed to enjoy a "friendship" with this same manufacturer.

You keep saying your not doing all of this as a business or to profit by it... but if we look at and realize that some individuals seek their profits not in dollars and cents but in other intangibles and look at your posting behaviour as regards these devices and your constant hawking of them... then ART's published rules on what constitute's "trade" and "business" and etc... does seem to indicate that your not being completely forthright in this context.

If you have novel electrical requirements for a device... that does not give you licence to misappropiate the designs of another company and then trade off of their goodwill nor to use their namesake to hawk your knockoffs. There are many competent transformer engineers who would be happy to design a device to meet your needs. Or you might try designing an output transformer on your own if you have your claimed expertise in magnetics. Rather than copycatting (with a minor modification) our designs.

Also... it's been noted by more than one person that your "target" appears to be just one company. A company and an idividual who you apparently have a grudge against. So you only "clone", "copy" and "knock-off" just this one company's products. If your using the board for revenge and evening up your perceived grudges.... then that is wrong.

here is an excerpt from the ART rules;

No product announcements, advertisements or unsolicited information regarding a professional service or product can be offered by a person related to the company offering the service or product in an open forum. This includes company employees and representatives, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THOSE. If a relationship is established between you and a company, professional, product or service BEYOND THAT OF ENTHUSIAST, then you may not post unsolicited announcements about the company, professional, product or service of any sort.

Cooperative alliances whereby one party posts about another so that product announcement rules can be circumvented are prohibited. If we see these kinds of relationships develop, we will consider the parties to represent one another, WHETHER A FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIP EXISTS OR NOT. In other words, if you consistently support a particular person or company, we will view you as a representative of that person or organization even if you're not currently on their payroll.

The things that are essentially being traded in many of these informal cooperative relationships are goodwill and credibility, things that have an actual value even though no money may have changed hands. These kinds of cooperative relationships are actually pretty common between certain individuals, dealers and manufacturers. We encourage your participation here, but please realize that these alliances can unfairly disadvantage others. We hope that you will share your views openly, but please be careful to refrain from the temptation to advertise.


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