None of My Business

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 24, 2005 at 08:15:53:

Arguing points of law by quoting statute and taking whole sections of the Commercial Code time and again and pasting them into posts has been done to death. It seems to me if there were an actionable issue here one of the thousands of lawyers looking for work would take the case on. I don't mind argument to elucidate a point but the same exact sentences are being repeated ad nauseum.
At this point it appears there will not be any action regarding behaviour modification of the parties here. I don't claim to be an authority on legal interpretation of copyright law but everytime one of these kinds of disputes arises it goes absolutely nowhere. That tells me there just might be lack of clear guidelines of rights and responsibilities and that is why no legal authority wants to get involved? What is the payback here?
If you can't modify someones behaviour to your satisfaction through legal means with all of the lawyers available for hire then maybe you really don't have a case???
So if that turns out to be true; then I ask..whats the point? Why not move on?
Peerless may just have to be something that describes a certain series of parameters that we use as a guide to help determine what and how to build a transformer for certain applications. If there is significant loss of income to anyone as a result of people using that description; I haven't seen evidence of it in these posts.
Happy Holidays and Merry Xmas and Happy Haunakka to all.


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