and one more

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on December 29, 2005 at 20:53:04:

In Reply to: no negotiations..... posted by MQracing on December 24, 2005 at 18:23:27:

Well Mike, I am *NOT* going to grant your demand to stop playing with old transformers( or new one's should I wish ). If there were some legitimacy to your claim, or some issue other than your nasty control-freak behaviour, it would be another story.

Since you seem to keep missing this:

I am not selling called peerless.

If somebody else wants to buy what I have designed, that is fine with me. I provide them the source, or failing that, the means to accomplish it themselves. I have absolutely no interest in keeping secrets I turn up along the way. If it works I say so, if it does not, that can be published as well.


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