Re: No more discussions with you. I promise

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on October 05, 2005 at 21:42:42:

In Reply to: No more discussions with you. I promise posted by colinhester on October 05, 2005 at 20:41:30:

Hey thats why Ice cream comes in flavors; it's hard to come to grips with the fact that you can't always be right. I'm sorry you take such an apocolyptic view of things; to me it's just another day at the beach.
But there is a way you carry yourself to be an honest person; you face those who disagree with respect but with a committment to your personal dignity.
And yes everything is opinions; no problem with that. If you are sincere then what others believe should have no emotional effect on you.
And what interaction would there be anyway?
See I can argue a point because I am honest with myself and others regardless of what side anyone is on and I apologise when I'm wrong.
Sneaking a supposedly serious point into a post to draw someones honest response for the express purpose of ridiculing or belittling that individual and then disappearing is cowardly and weak.
Thats my philosophy and I stand by it.


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