No Fooling Around

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 30, 2005 at 08:32:42:

This is a true story. A friend of my wife; their son is enlisting. She is inconsoluble and the father wants to beat the crap out of him for even thinking of doing something so stupid. Turns out they find out he was contacted by a military recruiter..ON HIS CELL PHONE!
They contacted an attorney friend and geuss what; the military gets the contact information including SS# Address; home phone and cell phone from...THE HIGH SCHOOL!
Further inquiries report that this is legal and the pentagon demands this info from the High School Superintendants.
Now they can't force you to give this info to them but it is incumbent on YOU to opt out. You have to contact the Pentagon and your school superintendant and in writing demand they remove your children from this list.
This is a FACT! Check it out. I am already writing my letters and with the support of OPT OUT NOW am getting my son removed from this crummy weasly piece of shit. Next I am getting him portable cell phones with changing chips to prevent any unauthorised contact.
Can you imagine these slimey bush recruiters trying to get your kids killed for halliburton?


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