Re: Why lawyers?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 30, 2005 at 21:00:25:

In Reply to: Why lawyers? posted by colinhester on September 30, 2005 at 20:05:23:

The lawsuits are already filed for the unauthorised release of private information IE the cell-phone numbers. The parent's did not hire an attorney, there is nothing he could do. It's several organisations formed for the express purpose of fighting the unauthorised release of the students private information by the School superintendents.
The fact that the kid enlisted in this illegal war is a terrible burden for the parents but yes you are correct he is a man and at that age or much younger no one was ever going to tell me what to do.
The real issue is the immoral collusion between the schools and the military. I figured that would be self-evident and not require an explanation.
The lectures you guys offered me were very kind but a little superficial; this thing has a more insidious implication than just a kid screwing up his life.
And I retract my earlier statement concerning your girls. I hope they never get suckered into a war like this and suffer as a result; regardless of how you feel.
I shouldn't ramble like this especially while watching the Yanks-Red-Sox game; but my dad who was wounded in WW II told me during Vietnam; it's a suckers war, stay out of it.
Oh; around here your kids are always your kids; just because they reach a certain age doesn't mean you wipe your hands of them..thats cowardly. You think after 50 years of life my advice has no value to him? Thats crazy talk.
And you know what; I don't believe you; I have seen you and heard you around your kids and I think you would be the first to block the door if they even hinted at enlisting during a war like this.
The other jiboni just babbles nonsense he hears on Fox news but you're brighter than that.


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