Re: Golden Ears

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on May 05, 2004 at 09:49:45:

In Reply to: Golden Ears posted by Dean Kukral on May 04, 2004 at 20:31:19:

One thing I've noticed is that audio is a bit of a nasty business, with its share of golden snake oil salesmen and charlatans. I'm not sure why that is, only that it is. There are some pretty obsessive personalities, many of which are incredibly pretentious and some that are downright unpleasant and rude. It kinda rubs off on you if you're not careful, so I understand your frustration, believe me.

It's nice to find folks that are level headed and nonplussed by psychobabble. That's what I like about this place, and I hope it stays just the way it is now.


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