Golden Ears

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Posted by Dean Kukral [ ] on May 04, 2004 at 20:31:19:

For some time now the audio press has been polluted by a self-proclaimed Golden Ear.

This clown went to a demonstration given by an equipment manufacturer to demonstrate that their equipment was as good sounding as the high end stuff. There was a blind (or double blind) comaparison between the two. Fifty or sixty journalists and others participated in judgining which hand had the m&m's. There were five test runs.

Our clown was one of only two who got all five tests correct. Now, with that many subjects in that many tests, purely random guessing would make you expect one or two perfect scores, proving the point of the manufacturer that you could not hear the difference.

Our clown KNEW this, nonetheless he decided that he always knew that he had golden ears and that this test proved it!!! So, ever since then I am sure that he has been pontificating on the relative merits of equipment, knowing full well that his advice was extremely valuable since it was backed up by proven golden ears!!

Thanks for letting me vent. I have been keeping this in for some time now! :) :)


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