To my ManualBlock..

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on August 27, 2005 at 08:26:47:

Just to clarify something from our discussion below.

I said the US imports about 2% of it's oil from Iraq.

You said:

"Iraq holds the second largest oil reserves in the world; little more than 2% I would say"

First off oil reserves and actual exports are different but in any case. See the link below for the facts. Take particular note of the line graph showing how much oil the US imports from the entire Persian Gulf for the period between 1972-2003. This includes Saudi Arabia the largest exporter by far.

Still think the war was about oil? I ask my question again. If the war is about oil why pick on a country that we barely get oil from? But just to be clear I do understand we have some oil interest in Iraq. Hardly enough to go to war for wouldn't you say?


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