Re: Come on ManualBlock...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 27, 2005 at 10:20:12:

In Reply to: Come on ManualBlock... posted by Mr Vinyl on August 27, 2005 at 10:06:43:

Mr V you need to read your own website offering a little more closely. Iraq was at war during the last of the data sub-sets and as a result the oil fields initially were unavailable. However prior to sanctions and currently look at the totals. Second I know I said they have the second highest reserves of oil in the world. Check your website because I'll be damned if it doesn't seem to say the same thing.
The problem with this site is it reports the data unconnected to geopolitical events. While the Saudi's increased production to meet demand much of the Irqi oil that did get above ground was ferried through phanthom delivery systems brokered by international business consortiums.
Believe that oil got sold because it did; just not reported.
Thats the problem with trying to promote your point with a website, it just leaves too much out to be of any use.
And your points would hold more weight if you could refrain from the sales pitch for the Republican party every time you make a point.
Anyone out there who thinks the Republican party is the second coming of Athenien Democracy; raise your hands.


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