Re: Krispy Kreme

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 11, 2005 at 11:30:36:

In Reply to: Re: Krispy Kreme posted by Mr Vinyl on August 11, 2005 at 10:55:05:

If the price of CD's is illegally fixed and eventually results in a court case that requires the manufacturer refund money to all those who paid that price. If you downloaded one of the CD's in question from a P2P service; who is more culpable? You, or the manufacturer? Should you go to jail for copying a CD that was priced illegally?
If Wal-Mart promises to create jobs and provide income to a town in return for a tax deferment and they abandon the store after the tax deferment runs out and leave the mess for the citizens to pay to have cleaned up; if one of those citizens takes a roll of paper towels and doesn't pay, who is more culpable? If Wal-Mart steals a half a million dollars in tax deferments then bails out and leaves 3/4's of a million dollars in expenses to repair the abandoned site; are the citizens right to appropriate from Wal-Mart the equipment to clean the site up? Is that stealing?


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