Re: Krispy Kreme

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on August 11, 2005 at 10:55:05:

In Reply to: Krispy Kreme posted by Wayne Parham on August 11, 2005 at 06:02:45:

Hi Wayne,

This kind of reminds me of a poll/story I once read concerning stealing. Kind of went something like this. If your neighbor was paying you to do some work around his/her house and when he/she paid you for the work they made a mistake and over paid you in cash by $50.00 Would you give the money back? Most people said yes. But if you were in Walmart and the cashier by mistake gave you $50 too much would you give that money back. A lot of people said no. They justified this by the fact that Walmart was a big company that could eat the $50 mistake. I think this is similar to the excuses given for illegally downloading music? A big industry so it's not really stealing if it's only a small percentage of what the company makes.

So my point is this. If it's a small enough amount people don't consider it stealing for some reason. I am no Saint for sure but I think stealing is stealing whether it's a $1 or a million.


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