Re: Toshiba 3950/3960

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on April 08, 2004 at 09:27:21:

In Reply to: Toshiba 3950/3960 posted by newsjeff on April 07, 2004 at 20:19:00:

I bought one too, after reading the hype, for $60. I burned it in for 20 hours, then put it in my system. I didn;t like it....and returned it. Too digital sounding for me, not layered enough. It would be interesting to compar eit to other players in the same range, that have similar measurements. My guess is they will be as good or better.
I was going to try the swenson mod, but i am so happy with my current source, that i figured why waste $60, instead save up to get my current source upgraded. IMHO, this player may be suitable for a cheap rig. However, I would NOT compare it to most $700+ players.
Just my 2 cents


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