Toshiba 3950/3960

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Posted by newsjeff [ ] on April 07, 2004 at 20:19:00:

I picked up a Toshiba 3950 DVD player for less than $40 Monday. This unit has been getting rave reviews by many audio enthusiasts for its Redbook CD playback.
I must say this player is pretty damn good for the money. It's not the last word in digital playblack, but it CANNOT be beat for the price. I have less than 20 hours on the unit so far, so things should improve somewhat.
There are two web sites dedicated to modifying this player. The mods look pretty easy, with the exception of swapping out the delicate little opamp. Not hard, just tricky. I cannot wait to get the new parts and my soldering iron heated up.
I already lined the case with self-adhesive vinyl floor tile to make it less resonate. I loosened the screws that hold down the transport, too. The screws are too tight on the rubber spacers in the stock unit to reduce vibration. I placed the unit on Gak Spat balls I cut in half, too. Gak Spat balls are great for reducing vibration, and your kids will love them. I built a cheap little CD press for the player that I found on the TNT-audio web site. Here's the link to the CD press if you are interested:

Also, the links for the mods on the 3950/3960 can be found at both:



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