Re: To: Fred and Jim comment on Line Array

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Posted by FredT [ ] on July 01, 2006 at 06:39:19:

In Reply to: Re: To: Fred and Jim comment on Line Array posted by ttan98 on June 30, 2006 at 22:00:28:

I believe the line array soundstage is both bigger and more realistic. A large line array doesn't offer the precise soundstage of the typical mini monitor, but the sound it does offer is more like the sound you hear at a live music event. When you walk by a room at a public place like a hotel, and there's a live band playing in that room, you can tell it's live music without going into the room. The reason you know it's live is because of the dynamics and scale of the sound, not the precise soundstage.

However, with all that said, the soundstage of a line array isn't imprecise at all. On small scale recordings done in intimate surroundings, like a jazz trio or a solo singer, you do hear the individual voices and instruments where they're supposed to be. They're just positioned more within three dimensions instead of two.


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