Re: To: Fred and Jim comment on Line Array

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Posted by ttan98 [ ] on June 30, 2006 at 22:00:28:

In Reply to: Re: Line Array versus Point Source Kits posted by Jim Griffin on June 30, 2006 at 21:30:37:

I have not listened to Line array before, from your descriptions I envisage that the soundstage of this type of speaker must be huge due to employment of multiple drivers, and with its increased in effciency it can be driven be most valve amplifiers except for lowered wattage SET amps. This is another point that makes attractive to valve amp lovers.

My query is that with its use multiple point sources to create the huge sound stage does it lose out on its musical coherency when compared to full range driver...

Both of you have listened to many speakers from both types any comments. There must be a downside(ie musical output) to Line array speakers besides the price point..


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