Re: Array driver question

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Posted by Jose [ ] on April 19, 2006 at 08:17:50:

In Reply to: Re: Array driver question posted by Jim Griffin on April 18, 2006 at 22:02:11:

Hi Jim

Many thanks for your response. I have read your excellent paper a few times now and this is what got me thinking about the array concept
I understand (from your paper) the logic and benefit of the array that you refer to - my thinking was perhaps to have a dipole midrange as used in the Nola design. In your opinion, is there not a benefit to having a dipole mini-array?
I have been using corner-placed stereo subs for some time now with the Tact 2.2x. They are Tact designs with twin 10" high sensitivity woofers and they work well. They do not have an extension below 25Hz and I also have a pair of 12" Peerless subs (sealed) which I can also use. Having the digital amps for crossovers, equalisation and level setting makes it easy to integrate these.
My idea for using the 8" woofers top and bottom would be to cover the 80-300Hz area with the mids running from about 300 to 2500Hz.
In your opinion, would I be better off with an array of the WR125S going down to the 100-160 Hz range and using the subs below this?

Are you perhaps prepared to provide the cabinet dimensions, bracing etc for your design that you show above? It would be of great assistance to me.

Once again, thank you for your assistance.




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