Re: My Experience With Line Arrays

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Posted by thylantyr [ ] on June 13, 2007 at 10:10:13:

In Reply to: My Experience With Line Arrays posted by Chris on June 12, 2007 at 19:32:44:

This thread was about the monsoon drivers right? Now you are talking
about a new topic "cheap drivers vs. expensive drivers'. Price
doesn't always correlate to performance. A low priced driver doesn't
mean it's bad sounding. A high priced driver doesn't guarantee great sound either. Buyout drivers that cost 49 cents doesn't imply they
are bad sounding, it just so happens they are low in cost. Take
advantage of the situation. Did I mention the 49 cent drivers were
modded with cone treatments to improve the sound ? This is typical
with more expensive drivers that use paper cones, they have treatments. lol

Give a chicken to 10 chefs and you have 10 different tasting chicken
soups. The trick when you DIY is to know how to make a competitive soup. lol

Before the budget array is built, I made a 1/4 scale model to
test the synergy of PT2 and 4" midwoofers. I determined that there
is potential to make a good sound system from this simple scaled down

Later, after the big array was built, optimized, the sound is
much more amazing than my scaled down model. The reasons why it's
better sounding is it has much lower distortion at the same SPL as
the scale model.

I'm all for using high end drivers if your budget allows. I just
don't see anything special with the monsoon drivers.


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