My Experience With Line Arrays

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Posted by Chris [ ] on June 12, 2007 at 19:32:44:

In Reply to: Re: Anyone Ever Tried These Drivers In Line Array ? posted by thylantyr on June 12, 2007 at 18:13:45:

Is this, a Line array pretty much sounds like what ever it's drivers sound like in the first place.

IOW, a bunch of vifa mids and tweeters are going to sound like a bunch of Vifa mids and tweeters.

And, a bunch of cheap drivers are gonna sound like a bunch of cheap drivers.

Yes, it may play louder with less distortion, and may image differently, but a duck is a duck is a duck.

IME, to get a REALLY good sounding Line Array takes really good drivers.

Actually, sometimes I think one might be better off builing a conventional speaker with really good drivers, rather then a line array with cheaper drivers, assuming the same budget.

If you think you can take a bunch of 50 cent drivers and see God by constructing a line array, fine.

But I will bet that if you took those same drivers, and made a smaller system out of them, the sound would be similar.\

Maybe it won't play as loud with as low distortion, and it will image different, but the sonic character of a speaker is determined by it's drivers, all things equal/

That is why guys like Rick Craig make Excelarrays, and use all out drivers.


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