Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT)

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 25, 2005 at 07:41:09:

In Reply to: Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT) posted by Mr Vinyl on May 24, 2005 at 21:39:31:

Reasonable. However as I have stated facts do not seem to be facts since they are used selectively and without background information.
Lets get the issue of presidential aspirations out of the way. Frist is considering a run and that is the only reason he adopted this tough guy position. He thought he had the support of the religous right and the president but they bailed out when the going got rough.
The concept that we elect a representative to take a stand and promote his own agenda is flawed. We elect people to represent the people and to do the peoples wishes, not to fulfill his own personal vision. Leaders who do what they choose should find a non-representative form of govt.
The concept that judges should be appointed who seek to roll back existing law because those descisions are proactive is flawed. The constitution was designed to be a fluid document that is capable of responding to changes in society; not to be a rigid manifesto determining for all time what the law is. If it were that way we would still have the jim crow laws on the books. It was activist judges who made those and other historical changes for the good.
Our system is designed to govern all of the people not just the most favored. That is why we have an adversarial legal system; so that the rights of the minority are not trampled by a temporary majority. In order to accomplish this we need;
Thats how we do it.
John M'Cain did what leaders in the free world do; he brokered a comprimise through negotiation and by offering some conscessions in return for some consideration.
I humbly submitt that this is not a religious theocracy with a high holy man who dictates whats right and serves it to his acolytes. Its a democratic republic designed to serve and protect all the people.
I am I assure you a registered Republican but this group is so far from the basic mission of the party that for all intents and purposes it is unrecognisable as such. Being a registered Republican doesn't mean I march in lockstep with the masses.
Actually I won't waste the bandwidth with these arguments everyone has heard. I'll leave it here for your rebuttal.


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