Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT)

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on May 25, 2005 at 10:48:46:

In Reply to: Re: Well, then I guess we think more alike than I thought. (NT) posted by manualblock on May 25, 2005 at 10:17:11:


I disagree with your perception of McCain lets just leave it at that. John McCain ran as a Republican because if he ran as an Independent (which he is) or as a Democrat (which he is becoming) he would not have won in Arizona. IMO.

It is impossible to have debate without facts. I don't know how to try to persuade you that your opinion may be wrong without stating facts.

The job of the legislature is to do the business of the constituents that "elected" them to office. Not to pander to every group of people. We have gone over this already.

I am not talking about judges that are deciding whether or not a law is constitutional. I am talking about judges that make up there own laws. You want an example and there are many but I will give you one. It concerns the New Jersey Supreme Court and their decision to disregard law and allow the democrats to put in a substitute for Sen. Torricelli who was falling way behind in the polls during an election for the Senate because of scandal. This substitution was allowed even though the law clearly stated that it was not allowed. See the link below which explains this case. I really don't wish to discuss this case in depth because my point is that the liberal judges in this case clearly didn't like the fact the Sen. Torricelli was going to lose and changed and/or disregarded the law in order to allow an more viable candidate to be substituted in at the last minute. There are many other examples of Judges making law. Not interpreting them. Such as the Mass supreme court ruling recently about gay marriage etc. Problem is a judge can easily change law or legislate from the bench simply by saying anything they don't like is unconstitutional with no basis in fact.


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