I am interested in your speakers and have a few (more like a bunch) of questions. I don't have corners so I guess that means bass reflex. The amp(s) in question will tend towards low wattage tube amps with rather low damping factors...non-feedback push pull as well as SET types. So a benign (constant?) impedance is best. From there I guess the next question is 2-way or 3-way. The 3-way adds another crossover which isn't ideal of course but perhaps it is better than asking two drivers to cover such a wide range? And last but not least we get into driver selection. I can't envision in my wildest dream throwing more than a 100 watts at these speakers and with that in mind is moving up to the JBL line worth the extra money? Prior to my friend Steve talking to you this weekend I was personally leaning towards the B&C line as I have heard many good things about them....but then it is rather hard to say anything bad about JBL isn't it:) Cost is always an issuse but I'd say the insurance that repair parts will be easy to purchase 10 years down the road would be more important than first cost.In any event one thing that would be especially important to us would be having a dynamic sounding speaker, one capable of generating bass that you feel as well as hear (unlike some of the full range speakers with very small Xmax).
If you would rather email me my address is:
Thanks in advance,