Back in those dear dead days beyond recall (before stereo), in 1951 or 52, I built a carbon copy of an EV back-loaded corner horn in birch in the basement of our EE bldg. Used an EV SP12B speaker and it was nice. A few years later, 1958?, a friend and I built a pair of Karlson's in our apartment living rooms of 3/4 inch Luan plywood. I can remember running up and down the aisles of the local supermarket searching for cans of the right size to make the interior ducts. I put a nondescript (i.e., cheap) GE 12" speaker in it and stacked my EV on top of it in a corner of the apartment living room. The result was fantastic! A large projected spatial soundsource good enough that I carried them around to demo in other friends digs. My only test record was the King of Instruments disc with the scale on the organ at Symphony Hall Boston on it (Harrison) but it sounded great with my Weathers FM pickup and viscous damped arm, home brew preamp and "Williamson".