Your assistance is requested in directing a newcomer to vintage tube radio collecting to further information (preferably on the internet!) on the RCA Victor Model X-624.You can view a photo of this radio by cutting and pasting this link into an internet browser:
I am having great difficulty finding any credible information so far. A fairly extensive net search has turned up basically nothing other than one individual believes the radio to be a six tube set manufactured between 1945 and 1955. I can find no photographs, mention in any list of RCA radios, or schematics so I'm either on to a rare radio or some part of the information I have [like the model number for instance(!)] is just not correct. The radio is in Canada so, yes, it is possible that it was manufactured at the RCA factory in Montreal but this doesn't help me much (or does it?).
Your comment on a reasonable purchase price for a working set in fair physical condition would also be welcome.
Thanks !!!