I was looking at one of the many parallel notch filter designer sites on the internet and I have a question. These sites require you to enter a center frequency (F), a lower frequency where the peak is up 3dB (F1), and the higher frequency where the peak is up 3dB (F2). You enter these numbers and the program computes the required C, R, and L values for a notch filter to tame the peak. For example, a 5khz peak with a 2.5khz F1 value and an 8khz F2 value causes the program to recommend a 6uF cap, a 4.8 ohm resistor, and a 0.15mH inductor.Now for the question: Is this computation done with the assumption that the speaker load is eight ohms or is a notch filter uneffected by the speaker impedance. Would the above notch filter work with a four of sixteen ohm speaker, or would those impedances require different C, R, and L values?