Dear SET forum,
I have been seriously considering three valve amp designs over the past two weeks.
The Darling,
This is a very well liked, simple straightforward circuit, cheap parts (Great sound) but low power.
A KT88 SE as suggested recently and described here
and an Australian design known as The Tweaker. (No web page available) The design like the two above is relatively simple. It is a two stage using a 6SL7 to drive one of the following;
KT88, a KT66, EL34 or a 6L6. The user simply tweaks the bias to suit the chosen output. (Each channel uses just 11 resistors and 3 caps)
The designer Earle Weston (Melbourne) (eBay alias ehtcom) also winds his own transformers and is able to supply all parts as required. The power output will vary between 9.5-14W in pentode mode. (Approx half this in triode mode)
With so much local support, design and parts supply I have decided to build a dual mono version of the Tweaker.
I would like to display the circuit diagram but I should ask the owner first. I will be getting the power supply parts made up over the next few weeks.
I will probably be pestering this forum with lots of questions when I start putting it all together. I hope you are all patient.
Thanks for all your great advice so far
One of Earle's KT66 designs