...about your Antique Electronics K502 tube amp kit. It's the best value I've seen out there. $140.00 and no hum at all, none, not even on 105dB Klipschorns. Sounds as sweet as the high dollar rigs too. Some might think I jest or exaggerate, but I'm not kidding - These are the best kept secret in the DIY tube hobby.Note 1. Don't read into this that I'm discounting my Bottlehead stuff or the Zen's or anything else. The good comments about the Antique Electronics kit are not meant as a comparison, even if I did mention "high dollar rigs" and "best kept secrets." I just think that the little Antique Electronics kit is a good value, that's all.
Note 2. Sorry to Akhilesh to jump in there and make a mention of your stuff before you did. Didn't mean to steal your fire. It's just that I was very impressed with that little kit.