Hy W. just dissamble a motorola piezo and found the very same elements that currently piezos stuff, what do you think Wayne is the advantage of NOS motorola piezos in materials over current models to me they look absolutly simple tech both.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
The Motorola/CTS piezo tweeters were pretty good, but I've never seen a copy that I liked as well. Most sound terrible, which is probably why they only cost 98ยข each. They may look the same, but they aren't. Just like cheap off-brand tires look pretty much the same as better tires, but they aren't as good. Hopefully, someone will pick up the tooling rights and start production of the Motorola units again.
Rumor has it that someone did buy the tooling rights for the old Motorola/CTS piezo driver product line, though I have yet to see any results after more than six months of heresay. I know that Loudspeakers Plus seems to have an "unlimited" supply of KSN1188A's, but whether they stockpiled previously or have a newer source is unclear. I'd have a hard time believing that the new owners would limit their market to only one retail outlet!