Most of these tubes test practically brand new at over 95%. Tubes marked NOS test at 100% or higher. All are in aftermarket boxes unless otherwise noted, will be well packed, and are money-back guaranteed not DOA. Please e-mail me at for inquiries.
Tung-Sol VT-231 (military 6SN7) - Ultra-rare; regarded as the best 6SN7 ever produced. Round plates, oval mica, black coated glass, 1940's silver-colored type lettering and old-style Tung-Sol logo lettering, NOS. $150
RCA 6SN7GTB - 1950's production, rectangular black plates, clear glass/bottom getter. Tests at 90%. $20
Sylvania 6SN7GTB - late '50s/early '60s production, black triangular plates, large halo getter version. Tests at 89%. $18
Mullard EL84 (pair) - Early rx1 Blackburn production with the single round holes in the plates. These are the genuine article, but are rebranded as Daystrom/Heathkit. Both test as full 100% new NOS. $150
Pair of 6V6GT: Sylvania 6V6GT - Early production, with very large top gettering and gray electrostatic shielding. Tests at 90%. General Electric 6V6GT - Early, oval black plate version, Motorola rebranded. Tests at 92%. Both of these are widely regarded to be among the best sounding 6V6s in SE guitar amps. $30
JAN-Sylvania VT-244 - military 5U4G, NOS. $35
Sylvania 5U4G - Zenith rebranded, same construction as VT-244, tests at 97%. $30
Raytheon 5U4GB (two available) - excellent military 5U4GB, NOS. $20 each.
Sylvania 5U4GB - late '50s/early '60s 8 pin version, NOS. $25
National Union 5Y3G - approximately late 1940's production, very sweet sounding, tests at 98%. $45
Mullard EZ81/6CA4 (two available)- 1965 Blackburn production, rebranded DuMont, NOS/NIB. $50 each
Mullard GZ34/5AR4 - 1962 Blackburn Mullard production, Daystrom/Heathkit rebranded, small black base/short bottle, desirable 4-notch serrated plate version, tests at 96%. $100
Thermionic ![](