Are there sound effects that make you cringe? Scratching a fork on the plate produces torturesome noise. It's the same with the sound where chalk runs across the blackboard. Are there worst sounds than these?
Rusty Messages: 1248 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
It's only a gripe. But sounds in the vacuum of outer space. Rockets firing, explosions. There ain't no air there to transfer kinetic energy. I'm sure it's done only because of expectation. Only movie I can think got it right was Kubrick's 2001.
It's not because of poor quality, but I'm not fond of hearing the sound effects of children or babies laughing. I find it creepy, and it stays with me that I end up imagining it after a movie. Sometimes, they're not even realistic and don't have that human touch to them.