There's a lot of technicalities involved when creating DIY projects that concern gadgets and electronics. Since it relies on electricity, it's better to have some background to avoid mishandling things and getting hurt. What are the safety measures you consider before starting on a project or when working on one?
gofar99 Messages: 1969 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, This is a really tough question and one that is not easy to answer. I would seek out web based tutorials on it. There are several that originate from colleges. IMO there are three distinct areas of concern: Avoiding contact with high enough voltages (anything over about 70volts seems to be the standard)to cause harm. Avoiding contact with things that get hot like tubes, power resistors and some rectifiers. Avoiding causing harm to other equipment, such as causing a fire. Specifics vary based on what you want to build and what your skill level is.