I love listening to NPR. My favorite show on NPR is 1A, a show about the First Amendment. I learn something new whenever I tune into NPR. What about you?
Rusty Messages: 1252 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
It's my standard go to in the car. I love Science Friday with Ira Flatow. I pronounce him, Ira Playdough. I'm a PBS devote as well. The public domain is the name of the game. And that is high quality news and informative shows. Plus great entertainment with some of the drama shows.
It's my standard go to in the car. I love Science Friday with Ira Flatow. I pronounce him, Ira Playdough. I'm a PBS devote as well. The public domain is the name of the game. And that is high quality news and informative shows. Plus great entertainment with some of the drama shows.
I love Science Friday! I always learn something new and it's a great way to end my work week. I also love listening to The TED Radio Hour and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. There's so many high quality shows out there on NPR and I wish that more people listened to them.
Rusty Messages: 1252 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Me too. Instead of the insufferably moronic conspiracy blogs and tubes that still perpetuate our media choices. A cop out of critical thinking. All they need is innuendo.
I used to listen to NPR on every leg of my commute, but in the last decade my phone's playlists took over. Always loved NPR's music "buttons" in between stories.
Strum Drum Messages: 229 Registered: November 2017
Rusty wrote on Fri, 09 April 2021 13:20
It's my standard go to in the car. I love Science Friday with Ira Flatow.
Same here. Ira Flatow makes it entertaining and easy to understand, but I still walk away having learned something. He has a great personality; he never comes across as pretentious.
I love leaving NPR on during the day in the background. It's so informative and I never feel like I've wasted my time listening. The state I live in also has a good state public radio station that I tune into frequently.
Lately, I've been listening to the headlines on weekday mornings. I also try to catch the Sunday Puzzle, which I'm usually awful at but keep listening to anyway.