I would like to start by saying that I'm very much a noob here. I have searched the forum and looked through the FAQ and haven't found a best answer to my question.
What are the pros and cons of various methods for assembling the cabinet?
1. Glue only.
2. Glue and dowels.
3. Glue and screws.
Furthermore, it seems like yellow carpenters glue is best, but I've also seen references to using plain ol' Elmers white.
Finally, if screws are ok, what type do you recommend?
I plan on using Baltic birch. Oh and I'm building the 2 pi Towers!
Thank you for your patience with my beginner questions!!
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Yellow glue is stronger than white glue, but white glue is fine.
Screws are good for providing clamping pressure where clamps aren't available. So if you don't have clamps or you just can't get clamps where you need 'em, then screws will do. But the glue is what is doing the job, not the screws. They just provide clamping pressure and then they're no longer useful. They're just there.
Unless you are using the dowels for alignment, which can be handy in some cases. I finally figured out how to make mitered corner boxes using biscuits and a silly jig on the table saw to get the miters cut correctly. Plus a clamping jig that gets the pressure square to the joints. Used a few times now with good success.