We have heard this discussion over and over again. If this is true, then why don't we just play classical music in all schools during class hours so that their learning will be enhanced?
Rusty Messages: 1254 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I think learning HOW to play an instrument would be more effective in brain enhancement than just listening. Classify it under myths. Surely marketers would have glomed on to any significant benefits proven to this occurrence. My brother and I take great sport of a pseudo science based enhancement scam called Brain Balancing Centers. Originally cooked up by some chiropractor as a means to $deal$ with concerned suburban parents and their adhd, dyslexia, autism kids. The list goes on. We envision some contraption like out of Napoleon Dynamite put over a kid's head to balance those whacked out brains of theirs.
There are some folks who are moved by all types of music. Genre doesn't matter, it just makes them happier.
There are others that just don't tune in. It's just background noise and they could take it or leave it.
Neither side is "right", just different. We're all a bit different in subtle ways.
Classical music would deeply move some folks and not do much for others. It's similar to certain foods, some folks love anchovies and others wouldn't eat them for large amounts of money. It's hard to make blanket statements that work for everyone.
I would definitely go with this answer. I like classical music, but I won't use the music genre preference to determine if a person has a better brain function. The positive emotional stimulation due to the music that a person is listening to will help the person to think better.
I think learning HOW to play an instrument would be more effective in brain enhancement than just listening.
I concur with this statement. Listening to music might help us to be emotionally stable, but not necessarily enhance our thinking. Learning how to play an instrument will trigger the brain to function so that will help enhance the brain.
Is it true that playing an instrument will trigger the left (or right) lobe of the brain to function?