When purchasing a TV set, you can never be sure about how long it will take for the same company to introduce the newest technology. Most people are usually tempted to keep on upgrading though this can be costly, in the long run. Would it make more sense for companies to manufacture sets that can be upgraded without the need to initiate a new purchase or has this been tried and tested before?
Technology evolves rapidly and most of the changes have to be wired within the television to work. It would be great if companies made it easy somehow, but as it is I don't think many owners would be up for it. You can upgrade your viewing experience in other ways like adding a soundbar.
Technology evolves rapidly and most of the changes have to be wired within the television to work. It would be great if companies made it easy somehow, but as it is I don't think many owners would be up for it. You can upgrade your viewing experience in other ways like adding a soundbar.
It is true that technology evolves rapidly and trying to catch up with it can prove costly. In as far as I know, a soundbar merely improves the TV sound, unless I am mistaken. I wish there were easier ways of upgrading.
You know that actually makes sense, upgrading televisions. I bet manufacturers wouldn't be into it though because people will just buy a new one if technology changes so much.
Rusty Messages: 1254 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I do not begin to worry about what is on the horizon with this stuff. Picture quality is light years ahead of what it was with the old picture tube. It's the sound quality that sucks with these thin tv's. Prompting an external sound bar or surround system. I'm not going out and buy a latest greatest thing every 2 years or so. I'm just hoping the thing I have lasts that long.
It can help consumers save money, but I don't think companies will like this setup. The hassle may also be too much if people keep sending their TVs to manufacturers for an upgrade.