Dedicated ground solutions are not a novel idea but over the past year it seems everyone has been coming out with their version. For a few months I've been thinking about introducing one to my system and had considered Entreq, Telos, Nordost and others. Although I have a bunch of Synergistic Research (SR) kit I had dismissed their older basic ground block as too rinky dink -- however when I heard about the new Active Ground Blocks I thought that could be the way to go. The Active Ground blocks are smallish devices with a mains connection and a plethora of outlets for grounding cables to every component. What do you think is the best?
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
The problem with grounding is pretty basic but the solutions may or may not be. To me, if I can put all equipment close enough together to share a common single-point ground, then that's what I do. But if any part is far away, then the systems need to be isolated rather than trying to connect the grounds. A good ground connection can't have a long conductor separating components because there is a potential voltage drop along the conductor. So the only good way to connect distant equipment is through some method that isolates the systems, e.g. using optical or electro-magnetic couplers.
A good ground connection can't have a long conductor separating components because there is a potential voltage drop along the conductor.
I was taught that that was a given. Which is why I've never done that. Every component of every system I have ever had were as close together as possible.