Knowing that Netflix is the easiest streaming service for me to access, can anyone recommend a series where the soundtrack is just as good as the storyline? I want to find something where the music adds as much as the story.
It's a story about Sam Loudermilk, who is - or was - a music critic that developed a chemical dependency problem and is now sober and acting as a group counselor. So there are lots of music references, mostly of 90s music but many from the 60s onward.
And other than that, the series is just plain wrong. I'm not sure why I like it, but I do. It's just so wrong.
Rusty Messages: 1248 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Tuff Luv it appears with the world weary Loudermilk. Looks interesting to me. And I see Will Sasso is in at least that episode. A fine Canadian, (aren't they all) comedian that I remember from a late 90's comedy variety show called MAD TV. He did hilarious skits and impersonations. Here doing Paul Timberman's Woodshop. A wood and flesh butcherer personified.