I follow the NFL LA Chargers. On the forum dmac_bolt said " I am always positive, that part is true. I don't believe in negativity, it sucks the weak and the lost into a vortex of perpetual failure. I am never afraid to hope to win tomorrow and I don't believe a loss last year means next year is doomed. If I fail, I get up, I dust myself off, and I try again vs whine about how I'll never succeed. "
Rusty Messages: 1158 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I recently read an article about the war going on in Ukraine concerning editorializing the notion of persevering with more appropriations of more weapons and recruits.
It's a good notion to try and be positive and disciplined with a goal in mind. But with temperance in trying to reach a goal if what it entails to get there was ever worth it.
The article began with a quote from the bible. In Proverbs, chapter 26.
"As dogs return to their vomit. So do fools repeat their folly."