johnnycamp5 Messages: 356 Registered: June 2015 Location: NJ
Grand Master
Happy Mother's Day to all!
It's been a while since I've checked in with all my old fellow, "tablers"
Life can surely get in the way of us older folks that aren't exactly "keyboard savvy" lol
Just wanted to post up a couple pics of a new garage soundsystem I've thrown together. Finally cleared out (sold off) all the old projects I knew I'd never finish lol.
We decided to finish the garage (drywall and paint) to enjoy the space for more social gatherings. What better way to utilize some of our other pi speakers lololol.
Isolation clips were used for all the drywall (to de-couple from studs), to improve bass response in the room...
I am an admitted audioholic lololol.
Most of the materials to do the remodel were stored in the garage and behind it...mostly left over from previous jobs.
Whatever didn't sell I just reused here (including piles of glass block).
Once I get everything up and rolling I'll update with how it sounds this point you can see it will likely be too LIVE sounding...
Rusty Messages: 1251 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Here's to mom's. Where would the world be without em? Barren. You need one more hat for the days of the week. If it ain't on your head already. But that sure is a nice looking garage! Really like the exposed structural beams. Guess you've got plans for a rug or something to soak up the sound? Very nice!
johnnycamp5 Messages: 356 Registered: June 2015 Location: NJ
Grand Master
We'll....I could certainly put a throw carpet front and center to tame some of the the high frequency floor "splash" that's likely to occur. Although those tweeters are no less than 5 feet up off the ground.
Glad you like the exposed collar ties. I do too. I took some brief flak from some of my folks during the drywall phase, they argued why I didn't just rock across the BOTTOM of the ties instead of going up and around them. It certainly would have been easier that way, drywalling up and around them precisely was certainly way more of a bullshit hassle.
But again, my audiolism wouldn't allow me to give up on all the extra ceiling space. I can now mount broad band absorbers between each collar tie (or diffusers) if I choose, and still maintain approximately 10 feet of clearance.
Those are all of my hats lol. Only the top one is a pretty good one (Stetson).
Use it on Sundays or special occasions ......just used it at the old man's 80th birthday party 🙏🏼
So true about the Wives. Unfair to overlook them on Mother's Day!!
Wow! That is so neat! It seems like it's good to leave enough space when arranging speakers. It might prevent the sound from becoming disorganised and creating too much noise.