I am sorry for my poor english, help is needed and I am in alarm.
I just purchased a Sony ps q3.
it arrived this morning and it run perfectly and I was happy.
After lunch I came back home and it doesn't work anymore.
I push the start stop/switch and the record spins but the arm doesn't move.
I think to hear a buzz that this morning I did not notices, but maybe be is just my imagination.
This morning did it, now not anymore.
Have you any suggestions?
Thank you
a sad Carlo
The last thing I did before leaving for lunch was to push the stop button when the record was half way of its side A, the button worked and the turntable stopped spinning and the arm automatically returned to his stand-by position. Then, back home, the Start/Stop button didn't work properly and the only thinkg I get is a spinning record and an arm that doesn't react.
Maybe if you don't know this specific model you can help me in general, telling me what to do when someone has a problem like this.