Rusty Messages: 1247 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
World and domestic events and policies are the big picture that the elder brain trust of Hudson and Wolff synthesize in their discussions on the Dialogue Works blog. The latest being the US strategy of controlled anarchy its practiced for decades.
All the big strategies going on in the world now. Reflecting back on our own domestic policies that reinforce the notion of our US empire is its own worst enemy. The chaos it disseminates in the world trying to maintain a national security cover for the control of fossil fuels and our military complex umbrella. Is matched by a domestic economic doctrine that had done chaos to the wellbeing of the greater part of its citizenry. Great thought provoking discussion. As always. Time to have a serious dialogue in this country.
Rusty Messages: 1247 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Another in a continuing series with the two elder statesmen of what the world, needs now.
Is PEACE and cooperation. That isn't the American philosophy. We want to stir the pot. We'll bargain with the devil as an asset like we've done in Syria recently. You name a hot spot in this world and we're there in some fashion instigating trouble.
These two vessels of wisdom know more about what our country does and has done than just about anyone. They know the historical precedence and the current foundations of our national and world economic and social status to lift the lid on what governments do and what implications they have. You can't find this analysis from the NY Times or any publication owned by our own oligarchic class that own the politicians. Democracy. Aristotle warned about it way back when.
Rusty Messages: 1247 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
No sooner I post one I see another tidbit of crucial understanding of whatthehells going on. The Moon of Alabama blog seems to always do a wonderful job in my view summing up skullduggery in this world. I like this editorial. Washington Values. You can take that to the Quickie Mart to pay for a lottery ticket and lose anytime.
Rusty Messages: 1247 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
On Kennedy and Khrushchev. From the Chris Hedges Report. Economist Jeffrey Sachs who has studied the Cuban Missile crisis and its effect on John Kennedy's foreign policy initiatives until he was assassinated.
Our foreign policy with Russia for a century along with Great Britain has been full of dangerous misappropriation of ill will of our national defense planning and diplomacy. Or lack thereof. Mr. Sachs gives a full rendering of how the Cuban Missile crisis happened, leading up to and the post threat aversion to an all out nuclear exchange with Russia.
Kennedy had the foresight to realize the need for dialogue with Russia. Which led to a seminal speech on ending the "cold war" and respecting our so called adversaries.
His assassination erased any effort in this vein with our policy with Russia since.
We refuse to "learn" from our very own history. Its remarkable in light of what is still going on in the world today. That we, the USA are like some benevolent hand in keeping the world stitched together.
Ironically we are the catalyst for world chaos.