The Summer Olympic Games are coming up soon. I don't follow sports, but I usually catch the opening and closing ceremonies because the audio and visual performances are stunning. The best one I've seen so far was London's, and it was all came down to the spectacular music. Many great artists and bands came from the UK and they did a tremendous job of showcasing their best. Which of the Olympics had the best AV performance in your opinion?
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
Won't be much cheering going on in there this time around. No spectators allowed.
I think it might be nice to put the summer games back permanent where it all started. Greece. Countries have to cover such a huge outlay to build stadiums, venues and such for a once in maybe ever big show.
And... Why is golf an Olympic sport? Maybe bowling ought to be included as well.
Strum Drum Messages: 232 Registered: November 2017
Rio's closing ceremonies were pretty epic. I'd like to see exactly how they did it because my understanding is that most of their scenes were projected. I'd like to know what equipment they used to create such stunning visuals.
The Pyeongchang Opening Ceremony was memorable for me because of the traditional costumes and music that they used. It's funny how I'll look for errors during performances. However, it's really spot-on, with the light effects complementing the execution of the moves.
I was a huge fan of Rio's closing ceremony. I love fireworks, and I was very impressed with Rio's fireworks display. I also loved the dancing performances at the end of the ceremony. I'm always impressed by how such a huge performance comes together!