I have no 45s at all. Never wanted any and never desired to get any. However there were a few singles never released in LP or CD. So I did the unthinkable and got these 45s thinking I could digitize them. So I tested my Sony direct drive PS-454 turntable at 45 a few times and found that it clocked 45 RPM at 59.8 seconds. I clocked the same machine three times at 33 1/3 and it came in right on the money, actually 59.99, close enough for government work. I don’t trust the strobes.I then clocked my Dual 510 which has a strobe at 33 1/3 and it was good but at 45 and it also was running fast doing at 45 RPM at 58.84 seconds. I could not adjust the Dual to turn any slower.
What’s going on here? Must be a 45 RPM conspiracy.