I found a box of my father's collection of old movies. They are mostly VHS copies and a few BetaMax ones. I don't want to throw them because some of them still look good. But I don't want to keep them anymore because a few have accumulated molds.
Check out Freecycle and list what you have. Craigslist is also a good bet. Some people can't give the stuff away so I'm not sure it'll work, but it's worth a try.
TheWanderer Messages: 58 Registered: December 2018
You can always recycle them. Green Disk accepts VHS tapes. You can mail the tapes to them in a box. I wouldn't keep them around if I were you. Mold can make you sick.
Thanks for the suggestions. I wish I can still sell them, so I will try to see if there are collectors out there willing to buy these collections. I'm worried about the molds, so I've discarded the tapes that have mold in them.