Well, I think this is up for debate but I quite agree that vinyl sounds better than MP3s ever could. The reason for this could be that most of the music that folks listen to is broadcast in a lossy format as opposed to vinyl which is always in a lossless format where nothing is lost, when pressing a record.
I would look at it in terms of the medium that can earn you money in the long run. Vinyl keeps its value or even appreciates over time and I suppose this is enough proof that it possibly keeps its quality over time.
Rusty Messages: 1273 Registered: May 2018 Location: Kansas City Missouri
Illuminati (3rd Degree)
I just never stopped listening to vinyl. For me it's better than the digital set up I have. Hardly listen to the cd's anymore. Streamed digital lossless is probably better, but my vinyl set up is well invested and sounds pretty good. I don't care what is better now.
I just never stopped listening to vinyl. For me it's better than the digital set up I have. Hardly listen to the cd's anymore. Streamed digital lossless is probably better, but my vinyl set up is well invested and sounds pretty good. I don't care what is better now.
Talk of old being gold? I also agree that provided the set up is good, then there is no doubt that vinyl sounds much better. I still have my old collection that I can never dispose off.
What makes vinyl better than digital? I thought digitally enhanced music is better because musical technicians can adjust whatever components of the music they wanted to adjust. How about recording digital music on vinyl, does it make a difference?
I've never found vinyl to sound better. It has a different sound, that's true, but digital music sounds more "clean" to me. I suppose people find the rough sound of vinyl more authentic, which I understand. I like listening to vinyl when I'm in a certain mood.