I've been in a bit of a music rut lately. I've been having a hard time finding new, quality music. What sources do you use to help you find new artists and/or songs? I'm a fan of all genres, so please share any resources you use, even if its contents all fall under a particular genre.
I listen to a streaming service like Pandora and Spotify then make note of any songs that I enjoy so I can buy them later and find other songs by the artist.
Yeah, I use both of those. I used to have a lot of luck with Pandora back when I first started using it, but I feel like I just hear the same stuff these days. Spotify is still solid though. I just need to find some new playlists, I guess.
I pick up a lot of great, new songs from television shows and movies. Even if you don't feel like watching the movie, you can just look up random soundtracks and test out the songs to see if any fit your fancy.