I bought an old BSR from a garage sale a while ago. It's my first one, so I'm still learning things about turntables in general. Everything works quite well (I got a new needle), and it plays great, but every now and again the audio nearly completely shuts out. Seemingly for no reason, the audio will almost completely cut and there will be a slight static at a very low volume. If I gently tap on the arm, it seems to realign (?) itself and the audio comes back easily. Also, and this is the part that confuses me, if I'm in the other room and the audio cuts out, if I turn off the kitchen light the audio will come back on. No effect when I turn the light on, but only when I turn it off. (I live in a fairly cheap apartment). Could this be the levelness of the turntable, or the weight of the needle on the record, or something else? Thank you all very much in advance for your help.-Andy