How urgently do you upgrade your phone when your contract comes up for renewal? Are you happy to wait until the phone you want is released? I'm debating an upgrade now, or waiting for the Galaxy S5.
April 11th. I was looking at it myself too, and actually I'm really excited about it! I know that there are not a huge amount of changes, but I've been with the same phone for too long and my upgrade day is May 7th, so just long enough to get the rush out of the way and overcome some of the early issues.
I'm not big on keeping the latest phone at all times, but I do like to upgrade every few years. I didn't know the S5 was already due out, though. Wasn't the S4 just released?
I think the S4 has been out for a while now, Timron. I know that a couple friends of mine have it and have had it for several months now. I'll wait until the S5 comes out and then get the S4 because the new model's release almost always causes an immediate price drop in the older version.
It really just depends on whether or not there is something I have to have or not. The last time, I upgraded because my phone broke, but I was about 6 months past my upgrade date by then.