Just wanted to recommend a nice headset for all the gamers out there to add to the home theater - Turtle Beaches. I bought a set off Ebay for about $50 where they normally retail at $70-80 in stores. They work well at cancelling out exterior noise, the sound quality is great and the only thing I don't like about them is that they're not wireless. Still, I'd highly recommend them.
I'm not familiar with Sennhousers... Are they expensive? How is the sound quality in comparison to the Turtle Beaches? The TB's are my first pair but will inevitably need another set at some point...
gofar99 Messages: 1955 Registered: May 2010 Location: Southern Arizona
Illuminati (5th Degree)
Hi, The Sennheisers I have are the HD280 silver ones and were about $100. They are full over the ear types. I like them as they have a really good bottom end and clean mids and upper range. I like them better than the TBs, but that may be an unfair comparison as the one is stereo and the other is supposed to be 5.1. I suspect that they get the channels from only 4 drivers though. But fitting 2 in each ear cup has to mean that they are smaller than the others that only need one. The TBs are OK for the effects, but a pain to set up right. Since I don't use my PC for any audio and all the video systems are set up for 2 channel only now .... I don't use the TBs. For a long time I used Koss Pro 4AA and Pro 4AAT phones. Clean sound but quite heavy. Nearly indestructible, probably why lots of recording studios seem to have used them. The HD280s are light and comfortable.
Thanks for the info, gofar99. $100 for the Sennheisers is a little out of my budget right now, but they sound like really good headphones. I wasn't set on the Turtle Beaches until I came across them on Ebay for $30 less than store prices were at the time. They fully cover the ears but all the wires really get on my nerves. Like you say, they are good for sound effects and I like playing with them better than pushing the sound out through our speakers, but I think next time I'll save up for a wireless set.