I'm totally with you there. Electrolytics are convenient for where super large size capacitors are needed, but best used where their inherent non-linearity isn't a problem. That pretty much rules them out for any kind of analog audio circuit.
And I also agree with you about polypropylene capacitors. These days, poly caps are available in fairly large sizes. Anywhere I see 1uF to 100uF electrolytic caps in older gear that I care about, I immediately swap them with polypropylene capacitors.
I think you are one of the very few who understands this Wayne. I don't
remember finding any in other forums (not this website) doing this upgrade.
My audiophile buddy has exchanged a couple of electrolytics in his AR and
Luxman components that helped.
For the solid state guys out there, the signal stages could be helped, but
replacing 20,000uf and up electrolytics with poly caps would be quite expensive,
and I could not rule out other sonic problems?